Wednesday, August 31, 2011


August 31, 2011

            Well folks, I haven’t done much wandering this month since I took a nasty tumble off a ladder. I’ve spent the month healing broken ribs and a cracked tibia. Yes, I know – hurts like the dickens. However, forced to be still, I did a fair bit of writing and submitted a few pieces. One little children’s book has already been accepted – I wait to hear from the others and I will keep you posted as to when the children’s book is published.
            Our routine in the household has been entirely disrupted with the introduction of a new puppy. Athena (that’s my grandson’s choice) has adopted her new pack with vigour and total adoration. She’s even beginning to get the pee-pee thing under control. She was the runt of the litter and came to us at 6-weeks old. She had a lot of catching up to do but I think we are there – she has tripled in size.
            I have managed a couple of necessary outings beside the one to the hospital and tomorrow, I’m tackling a big one. Once a year the old gang from high school, yes that’s right, get together for an afternoon of renewed friendship. We have been together for 60 years. A few have parted this life but as a whole we are still a solid group. There is not a single one of us who thinks that because we are in our 70’s we should slow down. That might explain why I fell off a ladder. So my wanderings start again.