Spare time,
whatever that is, has not been a part of my life for some time. That would
explain why I have been so negligent at posting to my blog. The trunk of my car
is ever ready with stock to unload at craft markets (Christmas is coming) and
between markets, I’ve been promoting child sponsorships for World Vision,
writing press releases and singing with the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus
(Christmas is coming) and traveling down the road to visit my relatives. Not
only have I neglected my blog, but my writing as well. Today, I vow to devote
at least two hours a day to writing. Well, doing press releases is writing, isn’t it?
My novel is
ready to go to press but finding a publisher and/or agent is frustrating and
time consuming, believe me, I have tried. I have decided to self-publish with
intensions of hitting the ebook market. Through Kickstarter, I have undertaken
to try and find people who might be interested in investing in my new and first
novel. Frankly, it is a donation however it is a way to be involved in launching
a new venture. Writing a novel takes hours and hours of work and over a period
of years, I have invested creativity, time (over two years) and money for
editing and proof reading. So shamelessly, I have reached out to try and
interest supporters. To view my project go to:
one has the opportunity to be among a group of amazing people. Yesterday, I
gave a workshop on writing memoirs at the North Grenville library. What a
dynamic group I had! They were attentive, asked great questions and bonded with
each other. When I give a workshop, I’m always intrigued by the wealth of
personal experiences and stories waiting to be written. To all at the workshop
– get writing, your stories need to be preserved.