Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Spring has Sprung

Three weeks makes all the difference. Three weeks ago, I was wearing my winter coat. Overnight the temperatures soared to summer heights so much so I planted my veggies. Since then I have harvested enough asparagus to share with a few friends and lots for myself. I have picked and cooked rhubarb twice and must start freezing it—far too much—okay gave some of that away too. One night the temperatures dropped and there is a threat of frost but my wee garden is tucked in a safety zone and wasn’t touched. Seeds have sprouted (spinach, lettuce, cukes, green, onions, peas, zucchini,) and the tender plants I tucked in stand guard near the compost bin. I knew I had taken a chance planting so early but simply couldn’t resist.

The countryside is in blossom, glorious shades of pink, white and yellow are so welcome after that long dreary grey winter. Trusting nature to know when to bloom and that warm days and nights were truly here; I stripped the down duvet off my bed and dug out my shorts and sandals. Actually they weren’t far away since I had just returned from an adventure to New Orleans.

One wonderful thing about giving writing seminars is that I meet interesting and engaged people. The last one was made up of an entirely female group of enthusiastic wanna-be writers. The greatest compliment I can receive following the session is to hear they got right down to writing—many have shared that they did.

Got to let you know—it is coming soon!!! The final edits are done on my novel, all 4 (edits that is) of them (that is after the 11 or so I did), and I should have books in my hands by mid-June. What was supposed to be a three-month project has stretched to six. That is because I am way too fussy and picky and want it to be the best it can be. Of course I will bombard everyone with the news of the finished product and encourage sales.