Driving by a small maple woods at the end of our road last Friday, I spy a flash of white – a multitude of blossoms spread across the forest floor. The next morning, eager for the promised sunlight, I bundle up, grab my camera and head for the woods.
A carpet of trilliums, small, brave and very confused at being wakened a month early hang their miniature heads timidly braving the cold air. Maybe it is global warming that forced them out of their cozy beds and into foreign light. I shake my head and hope nature does not pull one of her cruel tricks and kill them with a sharp drop in temperature. Of course she does – the very next day.
I had never ventured into this wood in all the years living here as it is private property but now the new owners have become friends so I headed happily along the leaf strewn pathway. It was a morning of discovery. I found hepatica, wild ginger, nightshade, dog-toothed violets, moss and fungi. The skies remained grey and the damp air penetrating, but I was lost in discovery. My camera stayed around my neck, oh I did take the odd picture but the light was wrong and the subjects bent their heads to the ground, shivering in the steady wind. There were some interesting textures of leaf and bark, but again the lighting was all wrong but I’ll share one. My venture left me delighted with the prospect of another visit next week perhaps. But now the road beckons and I’m heading off to visit friends and relatives in southern Ontario . I may wander off road and see what my lens can capture in a kinder climate.

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