Thursday, January 25, 2018

January 25

Mingus Mountain wakened this morning wrapped in shades of red. My computer was busy submitting stories for consideration—my usual morning—this morning it was short stories, others it is queries for my latest novel. I am an early bird so get to see the sunrise over the desert every morning. In the month I have been here in Cottonwood there has only been one cloudy day. Sorry my dear northern friends, I do check your temps every day and thank my gods I escaped. My objective, while I am here is to submit my latest novel to every suitable agent and/or publisher and cross my fingers that one will deem my work worth supporting. Say one for me. Sales for When Secrets Become Lies are slow but steady; the reviews so complimentary.

Once I work away for a few hours, I head off to the range that surrounds this area and walk/hike for a good hour or so. Of course it is winter here so the vegetation is dormant but still has its own beauty. My camera is usually slung around my neck just in case I see the perfect shot.

Mt dear little car that brought me across this vast country has been treated to washing and interior cleaning. For $15, I bought an unlimited number of washes and vacuuming— good until the end of February! Wish I could find a deal like that at home. She sure looks pretty sitting in the driveway. I am off to see the 'Darkest Hour' this afternoon and live from the Met on Saturday. I am one busy girl.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

January 13, 2018

As I sit here this morning watching the day unfold with high blue skies, I suffer a small ting of guilt because my friends in the north are enduring the winter of all winters. But the feeling passes very quickly as I congratulate myself for having escaped. Arizona is experiencing above seasonal temperatures and I am soaking them up. Nearly every morning, I head for my beloved range and hike. The thing about walking old haunts is the missing years disappear and each footstep becomes as familiar as if it was yesterday. I ventured out to walk the Backbone Trail. Never knew it as called that before—biggest change of all is signage! Yes, those little known trails are now labelled and documented. I suppose they now appear on some trail guides. However, there was little evidence of crowds. One set of footprints preceded me both going and returning. On my return to the trailhead, I met a runner just entering. There have been a few changes brought on by summer rainfall washing away some of the sandy trails and making vegetation sprout and flourish. There were many more creosote bushes. I always have to crush a few leaves just to inhale the scent. I meant to take my camera and forgot it. Grrr--. It rained during the night and temperatures had dropped leaving the grasses draped in beads of moisture, a hawk challenged my interruption and the textures were in abundance with light playing along grooves and crevices. I did snap a couple of pictures with my phone, but it does not capture the depth or produce the quality I want. But the high blue sky above the yucca seeds tells why each day is glorious. My camera is now sitting beside my hiking gear.

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 5, 2018

Well folks, I haven't posted any wanderings for a couple of years. And you want to know why - I haven't been doing much wandering - mostly healing. BUT now I am on the road again and here I am. Healing? Yes. The first episode was rather nasty. I decided to hang a potted plant on the post of my deck. I have a very trusty ladder and once I climbed it I set the drill to put in the screw on which to hang the pot, I exerted a little pressure, and I do mean little. Well the post gave way and I fell with the ladder et al. This resulted in 4 cracked ribs and a broken leg. I definitely needed to heal. Eighteen months later I undertook to help my grandson who had agreed to walk a neighbours dog while said neighbour was on holiday. However, there were 3 days he was unable to so I stepped in as a dutiful grandmother. Jack, the dog, is a large gentle blonde lab but when a snarling aggressive dog lunged at a fence we were passing, Jack sprung to the challenge. The problem was we were on a slight knoll and with the leash jerking, I lost my footing. This resulted in two cracked ribs and a broken shoulder. More healing necessary. So folks, I am now healed and have wandered across the great USA to take up residence in sunny Arizona for three months. What a wonderful way to start a new year. With my camera at the ready I will be watching for that perfect picture. Right now I will share an old one and invite you to visit my web page at